Coping with the Pandemic - Deanna Springer

Beginning in early March, here at NZP (Nancy Zieman Productions) in Wisconsin, our office went on lock-down to visitors and we implemented no-contact deliveries. We began ramping up cleaning commonly touched surfaces–including every rotary cutter, ruler, marking pen, and sewing notion in our sewing room and studio. Our team meetings moved from the conference room to our large sewing room, with Dana, Denise, Sarah, and me located in separate corners of the room. On March 17, 2020, our small but mighty team packed up and began working remotely from home. I’ve carried on and continued to head into the office every day. Solo. My daily routine hasn’t changed much as I still dress for work, make my lunch salads, order groceries online for local pickup, prep dinner, and catch up on email before heading to the office to work on our many new projects and manage a team remotely. Dana and Sarah rotate days picking, packing, and shipping NZP orders. Denise continues to work from home on our new patterns, books, and rulers. In May, I recorded the final three episodes of the 100 Series of Stitch it! Sisters. I was solo on camera—with a scaled-back production crew. I haven’t yet experienced wearing casual sweats or PJs. However, I have noticed M&Ms often found their way into my grocery orders. They’re the M&Ms with almonds in the middle, so these are a healthy snack, right? Unexpectedly, I’ve not had a haircut for over three months and I now have the Farah Faucet hairdo I tried so hard to achieve in my youth. Who knew all I had to do was wash and blow-dry? There was no need to put products and efforts into achieving this iconic look! Charlie is that you calling? Also, unexpectedly, my hubs, Dennis, and I had to temporarily close our family campground in Wisconsin’s Northwoods. We typically enjoy gathering with family and friends, beginning summer with our annual Memorial Day Weekend camp out and potluck picnic. We toast the beginning of summer (and a grateful wave goodbye to winter)! But not this year. I miss my daughter, parents, family, and friends, but I know we’ll be spending time together someday soon. Our full work schedule has shifted to accommodate plans for taking The Great Wisconsin Quilt Show online, to a new and exciting digital experience. Stay tuned! If you can't wait to read the individual stories, you can view SCHMETZ Inspired to SEW #79 by CLICKING HERE.